Is Your Organization Prepared for the Unthinkable?
Although many public organizations make workplace violence training available to staff, they are usually missing essential prevention, preparedness, and response training.
Active shooter tragedies in government facilities, even military bases, are growing in frequency.
How Can We Help?
An employer that has experienced acts of workplace violence, or becomes aware of threats, intimidation or other indicators showing that the potential for violence in the workplace exists, would be on notice of the risk of workplace violence. That employer should start a workplace violence prevention program that includes active shooter/violent intruder prevention and response training.
Our job is to prepare you, your employees and facility to identify vulnerabilities you may have and to meet the challenge of active shooters/violent intruders.
We want you to recognize and reduce the threat if possible and should the worst happen to have a range of choices available to reduce your chances of being injured and increase your chances of survival.

What Our Training Participants will Learn?
Employees should receive violent intruder prevention and response training to reduce violence, reducing the impact of actual violence and to ensure a faster and healthier recovery if the worst should happen.
National VIPS trains participants to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from violent intruder incidents. Participants will learn:
How to identify risk factors for workplace violence.
How to recognize behavioral warning signs of violence in individuals.
How to take immediate action to reduce injuries and to reduce the risk of fatalities by using options taught in the training.
How to alert the campus community of an impending or in-progress threat that will be critical for them to choose the appropriate response option
How local law enforcement will respond and how to not be a problem for them.